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Join the Green Thumb Movement

Brittany Taylor 2015



Thanks to the internet anyone can look up almost anything about gardening.  Despite this,  many people still do not grow their own food. That's where I come in! My goal is that this site will motivate people to get growing food by highlighting studies that show how gardening can improve peoples' health, environments, and communities.

The 'Grow a Better Future' challenge asks you to get some dirt and grow some food.  Use whatever you can to grow some veggies and share your creations with others. Be sure to spread the word and to share your garden on the Bringing Back Community FB page.

Please help me in educating others in your local community on how to grow foods.  Gorge yourselves in the bounties of our gardens, and share your surpluses with those in need. Work to bring back community. 


Good luck, and have fun! 


Sincerely yours,


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