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Mojitto Mint

Difficulty level: Beginner


Mint is one of those herbs that have a zesty flavor and calming scent. After my mint plant died, I decided to look up how I can regrow some more. Turns out, you do not have to start from seed (which takes forever).


This one is pretty simple. Here are simple steps to growing yourself some mint!


what you will need:

  • mint (you will need stems attached)

  • 1 glass or container

  • 1/4 cup of water 

  • some sunlight

  • some dirt (meant for growing herbs)



1. Cut mint stems, leaving the top leaves attached. Remove the bottom leaves.


2. Fill a glass or container with 1/2 cup of water (be sure the bottom of the stem is submerged


3. Set the mint in a safe place with some sunlight. 


4. Allow roots to grow for roughly 5 days (or until roots have formed)


5. Transfer mint into a pot with soil.





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